Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Political Science-Compass Test April 9, 2014

Your job is to take the political compass test to see where you rank on a two-dimensional political spectrum.  Click on the following link.

Next you want to click on the "Take the Test" link in the blue box on the left side of the page.

Once you have completed the test scroll down (quite a long way) to see the analysis of where you are placed on the spectrum.  Record the graph and your results on the sheet of graph paper supplied in class.
Also write the name of the historical figure you most closely match on the test (scroll back up and examine some of the previous graphs and explanations)
Lastly, give me a brief biography of the person whose political views yours align most closely with.  
  • Which country is he/she from?  
  • When were they in power in their country?  
  • What was their country like under their leadership.
  • How do you feel about your results of the test?

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