Monday, February 25, 2013

Econ-Tax Simulations

It's Wednesday, February 27th and lets try answering some tax questions.
Click the following link

It is going to take you to a page where you will try to fill the shoes of 20 different taxpayers facing different financial questions.

As you complete a simulation, take a quick screenshot of your success and store it in an Econ folder on your U: drive

Here is a link explaining how to take a screenshoot

Here's an example of what it looks like when you complete Sim 1.

Have fun.  Good luck.  Try to get through at least 10.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Geography-Feb 15th Japan Slide Show

Today's investigation asks you to click on the following link

Once you get to the page, you need to watch:
Japan Slide Show I
Japan Slide Show II

In order to answer these questions.
The nice thing about this lesson is it allows you to go at your own pace.
Have fun and don't forget to complete the T-Chart at the end.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


As you are pondering your 20 questions to explore regarding Hinduism, use the following two websites to help you.  Obviously there are other resources that can provide you with information on the topic.  I was able to narrow my list to these two sites.  You are welcome to use them:

Hinduism: The world's third largest religion

Arranged Marriages, Matchmakers, and Dowries in the India 

Religious Facts